2010년 5월 23일 일요일

Fast foods

These days, It’s war of the fast food brands – Mcdonalds, Lotteria, Burger King. They have different concepts and marketing. All being considered, I think Lotteria is the best among those brands.
First, It has variety menus. Lotteria have 17 kinds of hamburgers. However, Burger King have 12 kinds of hamburgers, and Mcdonalds have only 8 kinds. The reason of Lotteria’s various hamburgers is patty. Lotteria use various kinds of hamburger patties – beef, pork, chicken, shirimp and even cattlefish. Actually, Burger King don’t have shirimp or cattlefish patties, and Mcdonalds don’t have shirimp patty. It makes people to go Lotteria than other brands more often.
Also, Lotteria have variety side menus. Lotteria has 12 kinds of dessert, 13 kinds of drink – waffle, shake shake chicken, crunch shirimp, cattlefish ring, cheese stick, ice cream (tornado, soft icecream, and ice flakes), lemonade, café mocha, cappuccino, pomegranate juice, milk shake etc. Otherwise, Mcdonalds have only five side menus and 3 kinds of desserts – Mc nuggets, snack wrap, corn salad, orange juice etc. Burger King have 5 kinds of dessert, 6 kinds of drink – grape fruit ade, Affogato (vanilla ice cream in espresso coffee) etc.
Second, in Jamsil, where I live, there is a Lotte department store, so it is filled up with Lotte stores. It has 3 Lotterias in Jamsil and it means that I go to Lotteria than other fast foods brands more often. So, I prefer Lotteria than other fast food restaurants.
Whatsmore, Lotteria in Jamsil is different from other fast food restaurants. Mostly, fast food restaurants have hard chair so the customers can’t stay long at restaurants. If the customers stay long in fast food restaurants, it will be difficult to be “fast”. However, Jamsil Lotteria has soft sofas and cozy atmosphere. That is not limited in Jamsil Lotteria. Newly built Lotteria has cozy atmosphere that the customers can stay long for their convenience. However, Burger King and Mcdonalds are not having cozy atmosphere. They still use hard chair. So, atmosphere in Lotteria makes me to go often than other fast food restaurants.
To conclude, there are many reasons that I like Lotteria than other fast food brands.

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